Week Ten: The Horse’s Leotard

It never fails. I play the tune all day, and I play it pretty well. However, as soon as I turn the camera on, I completely lose any control I have over the instrument. I’m still hoping that my “camera panic” eases up as I continue this project. So far, it’s not.

So, this week’s tune is a jig called The Horse’s Leotard. I think this will be my last “tune with critters in the title,” but since I haven’t picked out the next tune yet… we’ll see! I learned this tune from a recording I made of Kathleen Coneely in a workshop I took at last year’s Baltimore Irish Trad Fest. If you’re in the area during the weekend of April 26th, and you like Irish trad music, you should definitely check out this year’s fest! Click here for more info.

Oh, yeah, the video. Here it is.

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