2014.21: The Boys of Balisodare

Yep, I’m still here. I’m falling even more behind, but I’m still here! I’ll catch up eventually. Probably. So, tune #21 is a slip jig called The Boys of Balisodare.

Coming up next… I have no idea. Maybe The Black Rogue, maybe Toss the Feathers. I dunno, I keep rearranging my list.

2014.20: The Pipe On The Hob

And now, another tune! Two in one week? You betcha! I’m trying (desperately) to get caught up before my tune backlog becomes insurmountable. Soooo, here’s Pipe on the Hob for ya. Enjoy!

I’m not sure what my next tune will be. The Ivy Leaf’s next on my list, but I’m just not feelin’ it. I may have to rearrange my list. So, I guess next week’s tune will be a surprise! Yay!

2014.18: The Hag at the Churn

I’m baaaack! Don’t worry – I won’t let myself fall too far behind this year! Here’s week 18’s video for the jig The Hag at the Churn. This is tune 2 of 3 that I learned at the Baltimore Irish Trad Fest a couple of weeks ago.

Coming up, the final of the three tunes I learned, a reel: Ambrose Maloney’s.

2014.14: The Rakes of Clonmel

Welcome to week 14! This week’s tune is a jig called The Rakes of Clonmel.

Next week, I’ll take a break from jigs and learn a hornpipe called The Stack of Barley.

2014.13: The Rolling Waves

This week’s tune is the short but sweet jig The Rolling Waves. I needed an easy one this time. Here it is:

Next week, another jig, The Rakes of Clonmel. Because jigs are fun, that’s why.

2014.11 – Doctor O’Neill

Time for another edition of “let’s watch Leslie embarrass herself on the internets.” It’s no secret that the only thing I hate about this project is making the videos. So far this year, it’s gone pretty smoothly. I usually don’t need to do more than 2-3 takes, 5 at the most. This tune, however, took me maybe 15 tries before I got the video below. And it STINKS. Oh well, I did learn the tune (not that you can tell from the video). Here it is anyway. Sorry.

Next week, a reel: The Trip to Durrow

2014.09 – A Fig for a Kiss

And, we’re back on schedule! Yay! This week’s tune is a slip jig called A Fig for a Kiss. It still needs some work, but I have the basics down, at least. I really like playing slip jigs, but unfortunately, only know about 5 of ’em including this one (Barney Brallagan’s, The Fisherman’s a/k/a Redican’s Mother, The Butterfly, and Kid on the Mountain are the other four, if you’re wondering). So if anyone has any suggestions for slip jigs I should learn, lemme have ’em!

Next week’s tune: back to reels with The Monaghan Twig.

2014.04: The Atholl Highlanders

Yes, it’s a day late, but here’s my tune for the week! I first heard The Atholl Highlanders at a session in Montreal last October. I was lucky enough to grab a recording of it on their last run through. I don’t quite have it yet, but I’m pretty dang close. It’s not super difficult, but it is four parts, and, for me, the second part is a little tricky.

Next week’s tune will be a reel: The Atlantic Wave.

2014.02: The Ivory Bowl

This week’s tune is the second part of the set I learned from Kevin Crawford a few months ago. My recording of the first tune in the set can be found here.

Enough blah blah blah. Here’s The Ivory Bowl.

2014.01: The Ivory Flute

Happy New Year, folks. Well, 2013 was a bust as far as this project goes, but I’m gonna try it again this year! Honestly, I’ll be happy if I can beat last year’s number. It shouldn’t be too hard. Ha!

So the first tune of 2014 is a jig called The Ivory Flute. I learned it at a workshop led by Kevin Crawford (who is awesome – go visit his site) a couple of months ago. It’s pretty much been “my jam” since then.