2014.19: Ambrose Moloney’s

Ok, folks, I’m trying really hard to not fall too far behind on this project! Honest! I’m having a generally crummy year, but I’m trying to work through it and keep on track with my tunes (with varying results, haha). Anyhoo, here’s the third tune I learned at the Baltimore Irish Trad Fest last month. It’s a reel called Ambrose Moloney’s.

Coming up, Week 20: The Pipe On The Hob (jig). I’ll probably post that one later today. I’m trying to catch up, you see. 🙂

2014.15: The Daisy Fields

So, last week I said this week’s tune would be the hornpipe Stack of Barley. I changed my mind! This week’s tune is actually a reel called The Daisy Fields. So… here it is!

Next week, a three-part polka called Nell Fee’s.

2014.12: The Trip to Durrow

I’ll keep it short and sweet this week. The tune of the week is a reel called The Trip to Durrow. Here it is:

Next week, another jig: The Rolling Waves.

2014.10 – The Monaghan Twig

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! This week’s tune is a reel called The Monaghan Twig. Enjoy!

Next week’s tune will be a jig: Dr. O’Neill. It has five parts! God help me.

2014.08 – The Sligo Maid

Yep, late again. Luckily work will be calming down a bit now so I should be able to get back on track with my videos! This week’s tune is the reel The Sligo Maid. This is another one of those tunes that I sorta kinda learned during the Monday night sessions. In other words, I could half-assedly play along, but didn’t really know the tune well. Here it is…

Next week (really this week – honest, I’m gonna post it on time!), a slip jig: A Fig for a Kiss.

2014.05: The Atlantic Wave

And now for something completely different – a reel! My tune for the week is The Atlantic Wave, because the cold, dreary weather is starting to get to me, and I can’t wait for some summer beach time. I just need to hold out for four more months until I can see some Atlantic waves in person. Here’s the tune:

For next week (actually for the next two weeks) I’ll be learning a set of hornpipes flings: Her Long Golden Hair and The Cameronian Highlander.

Catching Up…Week Eighteen: Tomin O’Dea’s

Here’s the second tune I learned from Sean Gavin at the Baltimore Irish Trad Festival this past April: Tomin O’Dea’s Reel.

Catching Up…Week Fifteen: Sailor’s Bonnet

Hello all.

Sorry for the extended hiatus. This hasn’t exactly been the greatest year ever. In any event, I’ve been learning tunes as planned, if not making/posting my weekly videos. I’m going to play catch up over the next month (or so), so be prepared for multi-posts! Woo!

Here’s week fifteen’s tune, the final tune of the Tarbolton Set, Sailor’s Bonnet.

Week Fourteen: The Longford Collector

Here’s week’s fourteen’s tune, two days late, partly because I’ve had a bad week, partly because our internet service is crap & it takes forever for videos to upload to YouTube. It’s the second reel in the Tarbolton Set, The Longford Collector. Next week I’ll do the final tune in the set: Sailor’s Bonnet.

Here it is:

Week Thirteen: The Tarbolton

Hi gang! Starting with this week’s tune, I’m going to learn the three reels that make up The Tarbolton Set: The Tarbolton, The Longford Collector, and Sailor’s Bonnet.

I’ll kick it off with tune number one: The Tarbolton.