2014.11 – Doctor O’Neill

Time for another edition of “let’s watch Leslie embarrass herself on the internets.” It’s no secret that the only thing I hate about this project is making the videos. So far this year, it’s gone pretty smoothly. I usually don’t need to do more than 2-3 takes, 5 at the most. This tune, however, took me maybe 15 tries before I got the video below. And it STINKS. Oh well, I did learn the tune (not that you can tell from the video). Here it is anyway. Sorry.

Next week, a reel: The Trip to Durrow

2014.10 – The Monaghan Twig

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! This week’s tune is a reel called The Monaghan Twig. Enjoy!

Next week’s tune will be a jig: Dr. O’Neill. It has five parts! God help me.

2014.09 – A Fig for a Kiss

And, we’re back on schedule! Yay! This week’s tune is a slip jig called A Fig for a Kiss. It still needs some work, but I have the basics down, at least. I really like playing slip jigs, but unfortunately, only know about 5 of ’em including this one (Barney Brallagan’s, The Fisherman’s a/k/a Redican’s Mother, The Butterfly, and Kid on the Mountain are the other four, if you’re wondering). So if anyone has any suggestions for slip jigs I should learn, lemme have ’em!

Next week’s tune: back to reels with The Monaghan Twig.

2014.08 – The Sligo Maid

Yep, late again. Luckily work will be calming down a bit now so I should be able to get back on track with my videos! This week’s tune is the reel The Sligo Maid. This is another one of those tunes that I sorta kinda learned during the Monday night sessions. In other words, I could half-assedly play along, but didn’t really know the tune well. Here it is…

Next week (really this week – honest, I’m gonna post it on time!), a slip jig: A Fig for a Kiss.