2014.21: The Boys of Balisodare

Yep, I’m still here. I’m falling even moreĀ behind, but I’m still here! I’ll catch up eventually. Probably. So, tune #21 is a slip jig called The Boys of Balisodare.

Coming up next… I have no idea. Maybe The Black Rogue, maybe Toss the Feathers. I dunno, I keep rearranging my list.

2014.20: The Pipe On The Hob

And now, another tune! Two in one week? You betcha! I’m trying (desperately) to get caught up before my tune backlog becomes insurmountable. Soooo, here’s Pipe on the Hob for ya. Enjoy!

I’m not sure what my next tune will be. The Ivy Leaf’s next on my list, but I’m just not feelin’ it. I may have to rearrange my list. So, I guess next week’s tune will be a surprise! Yay!

2014.19: Ambrose Moloney’s

Ok, folks, I’m trying really hard to not fall too far behind on this project! Honest! I’m having a generally crummy year, but I’m trying to work through it and keep on track with my tunes (with varying results, haha). Anyhoo, here’s the third tune I learned at the Baltimore Irish Trad Fest last month. It’s a reel called Ambrose Moloney’s.

Coming up, Week 20: The Pipe On The Hob (jig). I’ll probably post that one later today. I’m trying to catch up, you see. šŸ™‚