Week Thirteen: The Tarbolton

Hi gang! Starting with this week’s tune, I’m going to learn the three reels that make up The Tarbolton Set: The Tarbolton, The Longford Collector, and Sailor’s Bonnet.

I’ll kick it off with tune number one: The Tarbolton.

Week Twelve: Cup of Tea

Another week brings another reel. This week’s tune is Cup of Tea. I only play it through once because it’s crazy long, especially when played as slowly as I play it. I just couldn’t quite get this tune completely down in a week, but I’ll keep working on it. I’m pretty close, anyway.

Oh, here’s the video:

Week Eleven: Crowley’s Reel

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, folks! I’ve gone back to my ever-growing list of tunes I need to learn for this week’s tune: Crowley’s Reel. For a reference, I used a recording I made at our local Monday night slow(ish) session last October. Enjoy!

Week Ten: The Horse’s Leotard

It never fails. I play the tune all day, and I play it pretty well. However, as soon as I turn the camera on, I completely lose any control I have over the instrument. I’m still hoping that my “camera panic” eases up as I continue this project. So far, it’s not.

So, this week’s tune is a jig called The Horse’s Leotard. I think this will be my last “tune with critters in the title,” but since I haven’t picked out the next tune yet… we’ll see! I learned this tune from a recording I made of Kathleen Coneely in a workshop I took at last year’s Baltimore Irish Trad Fest. If you’re in the area during the weekend of April 26th, and you like Irish trad music, you should definitely check out this year’s fest! Click here for more info.

Oh, yeah, the video. Here it is.

Week Nine: The Cow That Ate The Blanket

This week’s tune is yet another entry in my series of “tunes with critters in the name.” It’s a jig called The Cow That Ate The Blanket. Next week, I’ll do one last tune in this series. It’s not that I can’t find plenty more tunes with critters in the name, it’s just that I’m getting bored with it! Perhaps next week’s tune, The Horse’s Leotard, can segue into a new series: “tunes with nonsensical titles.” Ha!