2014.18: The Hag at the Churn

I’m baaaack! Don’t worry – I won’t let myself fall too far behind this year! Here’s week 18’s video for the jig The Hag at the Churn. This is tune 2 of 3 that I learned at the Baltimore Irish Trad Fest a couple of weeks ago.

Coming up, the final of the three tunes I learned, a reel: Ambrose Maloney’s.

2014.17: The Honeysuckle

Ok, so once again, I’m breaking from my planned tune schedule. I’ll do Pipe On The Hob in a few weeks. For this week, and the next two weeks, I’ll be playing the three tunes I learned (sorta) at this year’s Baltimore Irish Trad Fest. I did the flute workshop with Brian Holleran, who gave us some tips on embouchure, tone, and breathing (which is what I have work on the most, really). This week’s tune is a hornpipe called The Honeysuckle. My tone’s sounding better, but I still gotta work on my breathing. Here it is:

Next week: Hag at the Churn (jig).